Saudi Traffic Rules Test 05

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Which driving areas or zones require drivers to minimize changing lines for better safety?
Urban zones
Rural areas



How many points will be issued for failure to comply with the traffic police directions…?
8 points
12 points
14 points
4 points



Of the category A, B, and C tires, which are ideal for the weather in Saudi Arabia?
A then B
B then A



Distracted driving attracts which of these fine amounts?
100 to 150 SR
50 SR
500 SR
300 SR



Failure to completely stop at the stop sign can result in…?
500 to 900 SR, or detention of the vehicle as well
1000 SR fine
Detention of the vehicle
License suspension for 14 days



What should you do if your accelerator fails?
All of these
Shift to neutral gear
Apply steady pressure to the brake pedals
Pull over



What is the speed limit in construction zones in Saudi Arabia?
Below the speed limit required in other driving environments
Usually more than the speed limit required in other driving environments
Speed limit is similar to that of other driving environments
60 km/h



You must give way to emergency vehicles with the siren sounding or flashing lights…?
At all times
When the traffic signs are in their favor
When convenient to do so
If it will not impede your journey



A broken line by the other side means:
It is prohibited to cross the line or turn left
You can cross the line and turn left
Drivers may pass
Drivers may pass only during daylight hours



How do you protect yourself from the dangerous blinding lights from oncoming traffic?
Try not to look directly at the bright lights
Keep your eyes directly on the headlights of the approaching car
Close and open your eyes quickly until the approaching vehicle has passed you
Change headlights to high beam



What should a driver do when entering a curve?
Scan traffic scene and slow down
Increase driving speed
Stop the vehicle and start moving slowly
Maintain speed



When driving at night, always use…?
The headlights
Parking lights
Fog lights
Hazzard lights



Since flashing lights signal an emergency or accident on the road, what would you do if you saw a vehicle ahead with these lights on?
Slow down
Maintain your vehicle speed
Increase your vehicle speed
Come to a stop within your lane



Under which circumstance are points removed from a driving log?
After 12 months without a record of traffic infringement
After 12 months
After six months
Cannot be removed



When driving behind another vehicle, make sure that you maintain ___?
Safe following distance to react to the potential road hazards in time
3ft between you and the vehicle
4ft between you and the vehicle
Short distance



A green arrow indicates that the driver….?
Can proceed or continue driving in the direction of the arrow
Must stop completely
Yield to all other traffic
All of these



Work zone signs are what color?
Yellow with red border



If you are at a street crossing with pedestrian signals that show a green symbol of a person or a raised hand, it means ___?
It is time for pedestrians to cross the road
It is time for pedestrians to stop and not cross the road
Pedestrians must stop where they are and allow all vehicles to pass
Slow down



How do regulatory signs help motorists, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians?
All of these
Indicate traffic rules and regulations
Indicate prohibitions
Indicate restrictions



A flashing yellow traffic light means what?
Proceed cautiously
You have priority
Yield to all other traffic
Come to a complete stop



What is the penalty for driving over the speed limit by more than 25 km/h?
Pay a 500-900 SR fine, or law enforcement officers will detain the vehicle
Pay a 100-150 SR fine
Pay a 1000 SR fine
Traffic officer will impound the vehicle immediately



Crossing pedestrians in unauthorized zones can result in…?
100 to 150 SR fine
500 SR
900 SR
License suspension for seven days



Passing is prohibited in pedestrian crossing…?



You should ___ your vehicle speed when the road is wet.
Stop and increase



To obtain a Saudi driving license, you must be at least what age?



How many points will be issued for failure to comply stop at stop signs…?
6 points
12 points
2 points
4 points



What effect do headache, cold, and flu medicines have on a driver?
Drowsiness or dizziness
Do not cause sleepiness
Keep driver refreshed and alert
Pose no danger



How does a seat belt protect your body during impact?
Minimizes contact with components within and outside your vehicle
Minimizes contact with components within your vehicle
Minimizes contact with components outside your vehicle
None of these



When driving in Saudi Arabia, you must carry…?
Third-party cooperative insurance
500 Riyals liability insurance
Health insurance
Life insurance



If you see a collision but were not involved in it, you should…?
Check if anyone needs assistance
Mind your own business
Only get involved if asked
Find an alternative route



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Rules 5

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Why You Must Always Follow Traffic Rules

Some road users disregard traffic rules occasionally and maybe, get away with it. Other motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians are habitual rule breakers. This is especially true in young drivers who have a showy mentality and are all about fun. Also, as drivers get more experienced, they feel more confident about their driving skills and are likely to engage in risky behavior. Violating traffic regulations may not appear serious in thought, but the consequences could prove otherwise.

It is advisable to follow traffic rules at all times. Here are the reasons to back up this statement.

Contribute To Safety On The Road

It is every driver’s responsibility to maintain safety whenever they hit the road. Traffic regulations are put in place to curb the cases of improper, reckless, and careless driving.

By abiding by rules, you are protecting yourself and other road users. While obeying all the traffic rules does not guarantee safety, the risk of causing collisions or accidents reduces significantly.

Protect Yourself Against Expensive Compensation Claims

If you violate the rules and cause injuries to other motorists, cyclists, or pedestrians, things could get worse for you. The injured party or parties can file a lawsuit against you on negligent driving grounds.

The litigation process is often time-consuming, costly, and emotionally taxing. You may be required to provide compensation for different types of damages. This can include medical expenses, loss of income, disfigurement, property damage, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium.

Sometimes, breaking the traffic rules can lead to the death of other road users. Imagine the mental anguish and suffering the families go through because of someone’s negligent actions. The families of the deceased could sue you for wrongful death. If that happens, the court may compel you to pay economic, non-economic, and punitive damages.

A negligent driver can also suffer injuries. Some injuries cause limb loss, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and more. You may need expensive surgeries, ongoing treatment, and round-the-clock home health care, which can easily wipe out savings and investments. Taking care of your health will be costly in the long term – even with health insurance covers.

Worse even, you may not return to your job. This could be heartbreaking for those who depend on you for financial support. Their lives could change completely because of avoidable mistakes.

Avoid Fines and Penalties

Violating traffic rules attracts fines and penalties. However, these vary depending on the type of offense committed – misdemeanor, infraction, or criminal.

For example, the traffic enforcement officers can impound your vehicle, and you risk spending time behind bars. Also, you can earn punitive points on your license record, which could get your driving privileges suspended or revoked.

In some cases, receiving too many tickets within a short period can lead to compulsory attendance of defensive driving lessons.

Keep Your Auto Insurance Costs Low

Findings of a recent study revealed that a single traffic violation added to your driving record could increase your car insurance rate by 35% on average. It doesn’t matter if the offense is a relatively minor infraction. The increase rates vary greatly depending on the location and policy providers.

Insurers set premiums based on your risk profile. When the insurance companies see a record of careless driving behavior like speeding, they categorize you as a high-risk driver. When profiled as a reckless driver, the insurers believe the time for you to file a claim for damages will come eventually.

Generally, driving under the influence has the highest insurance increase rate. On average, a driver with a DUI record pays about $2,916 for their annual auto insurance application. A driver with a clean record pays approximately $1,483. If their driving record has a speeding violation, they will pay about $1,905. The new rates apply when you renew your insurance policy or purchase a new one.

An obedient driver is a better driver, as they value themselves and everyone they are sharing the road with. Imagine what driving could have been like without the rules and regulations. You certainly wouldn’t feel safe driving on a highway or expressway where everyone does whatever they want. Therefore, you must always respect the traffic rules while behind the wheels.